Singing Hills Project

This past year I volunteered to help with the Singing Hills Chorus. This is a chorus for people with various forms of dementia. Our brains may deteriorate in many ways but our love of music and our memories of the joy music brings to us stays with us. Each week for 14 weeks we gather to sing and practice for a concert spring and fall. Last spring our pianist, Dale Anderson, wrote a song, especially for our choir. It was called, "Sakata, Singing Hills." Sakata is singing hills in the Dakota language. The song was especially inspiring to me. Several of the verses stirred my painterly imagination. Within 4 weeks I had painted four 1-foot by 4-foot panels visualizing the musical images. We displayed the paintings at our reception and that day 3 of them were sold.
Inspiration is everywhere. And we artists are always looking for those special times that strike our creativity. I thank God for the special

Singing Hills (available)

The Sun Shines Bright (sold)

Sun Sets Slowly (sold)

The Moon Comes out to Play 


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