More cold wax abstract paintings.

I am participating in Shop Small Saturday the Saturday after Thanksgiving. It was quite successful for me last year and since I have used up all my slush fund for a workshop that I went to in September, it is time to replenish it.  I will open my studio for any one who is shopping on that day. Last year I made 20 or so small paintings that I could sell for $20. A nice price point for a gift for a friend or for ones self. I have the same goal this year but this time I want to make small abstract landscapes. Colorful sun sets and sun rises. Hope they go well. I also have some other abstracts that should sell well. The colors are bright and fun. I need to either frame them or mount them on a panel. Planning and working is the agenda the next couple of months.
One of a series inspired by a visit to the Chihuly Museum.

 A spring time view of a lake

Shore view inspired by our month in Florida

Another sea shore, this one is framed in a black frame and is hanging in our bath room. It may not get sold this year. 


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